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NOVA VOL. 3: NOVA CORPSE TPB (Trade Paperback) Comic ... Its All-New Nova Now as new writer Gerry Duggan (DEADPOOL) takes the reins! The Nova Corps deadly secrets stand revealed and Sam Alexander is in waaay over ... Nova, Vol. 3: Nova Corpse by Marvel Comics Reviews ... Nova, Vol. 3 has 7 ratings and 0 reviews. It's All-New Nova Now as new writer Gerry Duggan (DEADPOOL) takes the reins! The Nova Corps' deadly secrets sta... Nova Vol. 3: Nova Corpse Fresh Comics Nova Vol. 3: Nova Corpse Marvel Comics, May 21, 2014. It's All-New Nova Now as new writer Gerry Duggan (DEADPOOL) takes the reins! The Nova Corps' deadly secrets ... Nova Volume 2: Rookie Season (Marvel Now ... Nova Volume 2: Rookie Season (Marvel Now) (9780785168393): Zeb Wells, Paco Medina, Carlo Barberi: Books